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Adopt A Campsite

New signage appeared in 2014
Updated October 6, 2015


If you visit a French River Park campsite, you'll see distinctive new signage. After 10 years, the previous white signs (see photo below left) were showing evidence of wear and tear, weathering, and vandalism, and it was time for a make-over. Jointly funded by the Friends of The French and the Upper French River Cottagers Association, the signage encourages users to pack their garbage out and to leave their campsites clean. The signs also advertise the presence of the UFRCA near campsites on the Upper French. Campsite signs on the Lower and Middle French acknowledge the Friends of the French, whose logo appears at the bottom of all signs. The blue colour is consistent with that used in Parks Ontario signage. Assistant Park Superintendent Ed Chevrette had his crews post the signs in the spring and summer of 2014. Each sign is numbered with the campsite number as shown on the Park map.



At the 2002 AGM, a motion was approved to establish an Adopt-a-Campsite programme in the Upper French River area of French River Provincial Park. Participating cottagers volunteer (as many do informally) to periodically clean up a campsite or campsites of their choice. Participation in this venture is greatly appreciated by all Park users and fellow cottagers. This is an open and flexible system with many variations. Two or more cottages can share the maintenance of one or more campsites. Or one cottage can volunteer to clean up one or more campsites.
The Adopt a Campsite programme was established in consultation with Ed Chevrette (Assistant Park Superintendent and CO for the Park) and then Park Superintendent Chuck Miller (retired 2013). Jeremy Pawson is the new Park Superintendent. The following guidelines and requirements should be followed.

  1. Complete and return the attached UFRCA Adopt-a-Campsite form. See below.

  2. For garbage pick-up, wear gloves and use caution when handling sharp objects. Watch for the little things: bottle caps, twist ties, bread wrapper tabs, pop can tabs.

  3. Only one fire ring should exist on a campsite. If necessary dismantle all but the best (on rock or mineral soil). Clean out and re-build the fire-pit; separate actual garbage (tin foil, glass, etc.) from ashes. Collect ashes in a bucket and disperse in the bush a good distance from the campsite, under Juniper or similar bushes.

  4. Cover with dirt any human waste, toilet paper, etc. Do not pick up. Under a light layer of soil, decomposition will occur quickly.

  5. Remove any signs of human activity (tent trenching, ropes and wires, nails in trees, constructed artifacts, etc.)

  6. For assistance in removing large objects or excessive garbage, contact Dave Minden who will then contact Park staff.

  7. If some obvious offence is being committed, attempt to identify any boat present (registration number if seen, color, etc.) and persons involved.

    Contact Park Staff (1-705-857-3228) and leave a message.
    Or contact the OPP (1-888-310-1122 or 911).

  8. Take with you work gloves, small shovel, bucket, hammer, garbage bag.

Register by filling out the Adopt-a-Campsite form. There are no organizational or other meetings. The Adopt-a-Campsite system begins as cottagers arrive in the spring and summer.

Map East 2006.pdf

Map West 2006.pdf

2013 December 10 Update.pdf

Adopt a campsite reg form and outline rev 2014.pdf

Thank you for choosing to volunteer to “Adopt A Campsite”. For further information: Contact Dave Minden (home: 705-752-3583; cottage cell phone: 705-495-9908;

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