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OPP – Nipissing West Detachment

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) currently provides policing services to the Municipality of West Nipissing and surrounding area from the Nipissing West OPP Community Policing Office.

Important OPP telephone contact information:

 1-888-310-1122 – For immediate 24/7 assistance, or to report an incident (non-emergency).

For administrative matters during business hours, such as Criminal Record checks:

705-967-2913 – Warren OPP Satellite Detachment.

705-495-3878 – North Bay OPP Detachment.

Criminal Record Checks

If the request is for a vulnerable sector records check or for volunteer work, a letter from the employer must be provided to police.

The cost is $25.00. If attending the Warren Detachment the exact amount in cash is required. If attending the North Bay Detachment only debit or credit will be accepted.

A resident must attend in person with payment to initiate the process. A record check can take up to three weeks to be completed. 

In case of an Emergency, Dial 9-1-1  
OPP advice: check your gear!

Posted June 20,2012
OPP marine patrols again this year have zero tolerance for boaters caught without proper safety equipment on board, so know the requirements for the size and type of boat you are using and make sure you have everything. And that of course includes one PFD for each person on board; PFDs have to be within easy reach, if not being worn, and can’t be hidden away below deck or in a storage compartment. And – no surprise - any open alcohol on board is also forbidden, even if it’s being consumed by a passenger and not the driver. The rules of the road for driving apply to boats on the water.

These were a few of the topics discussed when the UFRCA met with OPP (Marine Unit) Const. Marvin Miller and Staff Sgt. Tim Sheppard in North Bay recently. Fortunately, in the eyes of the police, the message is getting out and there seem to be fewer infractions over the last several years. UFRCA cottagers will be pleased to learn that Lake Nipissing and the French River get “double coverage” as it is patrolled by both the OPP Marine Unit and the SAVE unit. But keep in mind that they patrol hundreds of lakes in NE Ontario.

Following the break-ins discovered on the river this spring, cottagers expressed concern that winter patrols and tagging of cottages during the winter had ceased several years ago. Const. Miller hopes to revive the practice next winter, and cited safety concerns on the river where ice conditions can quickly change from ‘good’ to ‘dangerous’ within several hours. He will be able to use the services of a local guide who knows the area very well.

Policing of noisy cigarette boats will continue in the effort to weed out those still not in compliance with the regulations that were stiffened over the last few years. It is illegal to have a device on board that switches from “muffler on” to “muffler off”, and the fine is now a pricey $650. The North Bay cigarette boat poker run is slated for July 21, but they are restricted to Lake Nipissing and do not have permission to enter French River Provincial Park. If you observe a boat making excessive noise at any time, take a few seconds to report it to the OPP.

To report incidents such as break-ins or other land issues to the police, know which township your cottage is in. If your cottage is in Bertram Township, make reports to the West Nipissing Police in Sturgeon Falls. If your cottage is on the south side (Hardy or Patterson Townships), contact the OPP in Powassan, for it is that detachment that covers that area. For on-water complaints or issues, contact the OPP Regional Office in North Bay.

West Nipissing Police reported on June 15 that a major drug ring had been shut down and many arrests made. Perhaps one or some of those arrested were involved in the winter break-ins on the French River – we’ll probably never know. The OPP also report there was an arrest in the area last year and the person was charged with over 100 incidents over a wide area. This resulted from extra police vigilance in patrolling rural areas.


The OPP solicit our assistance in notifying them of anything suspicious such as illegal grow-ops or any unusual activity when out in the bush or on back roads. Crime Stopper signs are being readied for posting in a variety of areas that access Lake Nipissing and the French River and this may yield some tips on the spring French River break-ins.

Watch for Marv Miller in one of the OPP vessels patrolling the waterways this summer.

Outdoor Marijuana Grow Information

The OPP Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU) is alerting the public to the dangers associated with outdoor marijuana grow operations.
During the late spring and summer months each year, people involved with growing illegal marijuana head into rural areas to start and care for, in some cases, very large plots of marihuana plants. Typically, these illicit crops are located in swamps, corn fields, and wooded areas, along rivers and on rural, rental properties with large acreage.
Marijuana plants are bright green in colour and grow to between three and five feet in height. Marijuana leaves have seven jagged fingers and the plants give off a strong pungent musty odour.
Common indicators of outdoor marihuana grows include:
Ø      Abandoned vehicles parked on side roads or trails.
Ø      People observed walking in remote areas for no apparent reason.
Ø      Bags of fertilizer, planting trays or chemicals located in remote areas.
Ø      Well-trampled trails in wooded or swamp areas.
Ø      Cleared out areas in swamps, wooded areas or corn fields.
Ø      Numerous “No Trespassing” signs appear out of nowhere.
Typically, marijuana crops will be harvested starting as early as late August up until the beginning of October.
There are numerous safety risks of which the public should be wary. These risks include the potential presence of criminals, weapons and ammunition found on grow-op sites, and the potential for booby traps, rigged by the criminals growing these plants in an attempt to defend their illegal crops from other criminals known as ‘pot pirates’. All of these factors could lead to dangerous confrontations for unsuspecting, innocent people – including children – who just happen to be in the area of these illegal crops.
Another risk that the OPP wants to highlight is environmental. These criminal operations usually involve the unregulated use of many chemicals and other environmentally-damaging products.
If you discover or suspect an outdoor marihuana grow operation:
Ø      As soon as possible, call your local police or Crime Stoppers.
Ø      Do not touch the marijuana plants due to potential chemical residue on the plants.
Ø      If confronted by a marijuana grower, leave the area immediately and contact police.
Ø      If possible and safe to do so, record any license plate or GPS information and notify police.
In some cases, outdoor marijuana grows are guarded or protected by booby- traps. If you discovered a crop of marijuana plants, do not enter the area! For your personal safety, turn around and immediately leave the area the same way you came in.
If you have any information regarding illegal marihuana grow ops, contact your local police or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS).

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